Day 10 Jeremiah

Day 11 Jeremiah. The Jesse Tree Devotional covers some of the Bible in chronological order. It is a Christmas Advent Activity that serve to remind people yearly about the Bible, and what God has to say through the stories.





Jeremiah 31:33

“This is the covenant I will make with the people of Israel after that time," declares the LORD. "I will put my law in their minds and write it on their hearts. I will be their God, and they will be my people.”

Bible Readings


Jeremiah was a prophet who spoke for God. He worked hard at warning the people that they needed to change and follow God, but no one would listen to him.

Jeremiah never gave up telling people about God, and Jeremiah spoke for God - we know this because what he warned the people about - eventually happened.

jeremiah 31:31-37



2:39 Regarding King Josiah and Hilkiah (Jeremiah’s Father) finding the Book of the Law and starting a revival for the people. 2 Kings 22

2:43 A Movie about Jeremiah the Prophet

7:15 An overview of the Book of Jeremiah

Historical Artwork: JEREMIAH

“The Cry of the Prophet Jeremiah Among the Ruins of Jerusalem” By Iiya Repin 1870

“The Cry of the Prophet Jeremiah Among the Ruins of Jerusalem” By Iiya Repin 1870

Jeremiah was the son of a famous Priest.

Jeremiah’s Father, Hilkiah, found an ancient scroll referred to as the Book of the Law (Book of Deuteronomy in our Bible). Hilkiah the Priest gave it to the young King Josiah of Judah, and they used this discovery to turn the people back from worshiping other Gods. The reforms King Josiah made were sufficient enough to turn the people back to God for a time.

Jeremiah was called at a young age to be a prophet of God, around 20 years old - and his ministry was a difficult one. He writes several times in his book that he converted no one, and was rejected by his people. He even writes that his message broke his own heart.

Jeremiah 9:1

“If only my head were a pool of water
and my eyes a fountain of tears,
I would weep day and night
for all my people who have been slaughtered.”

He is referred to as the “weeping prophet”. He was hunted, beaten, hated, wrongly charged, and imprisoned. He wanted to quit his ministry, but he couldn’t.

Jeremiah 20:9

“But if I say I’ll never mention the Lord
or speak in his name,
his word burns in my heart like a fire.
It’s like a fire in my bones!
I am worn out trying to hold it in!
I can’t do it!”

As for writings in the Old Testament, only Moses wrote more than Jeremiah. Jeremiah wrote Lamentations, and 1 & 2 Kings too.

Jeremiah 1:9

Then the Lord reached out and touched my mouth and said,

“Look, I have put my words in your mouth!
Today I appoint you to stand up
against nations and kingdoms.
Some you must uproot and tear down,
destroy and overthrow.
Others you must build up
and plant.”

Why is there a Book of Jeremiah still to this day? Jeremiah was an eye-witness to the destruction of Jerusalem. Many of the things Jeremiah told the people actually happened years after Jeremiah spoke them! The people DID NOT believe Jeremiah, or follow him, but after the events took place - they knew that Jeremiah was speaking for God. The Books of Jeremiah, 1 & 2 Kings, and Lamentations were books by a prophet of God.

Jeremiah was also given prophecies from God about a Righteous Descendant that was yet to come:

Jeremiah 23:5-6

“For the time is coming,”
says the Lord,
“when I will raise up a righteous descendant
from King David’s line.
He will be a King who rules with wisdom.
He will do what is just and right throughout the land.
And this will be his name:
‘The Lord Is Our Righteousness.’
In that day Judah will be saved,
and Israel will live in safety.

Like Isaiah, and other prophets - Jeremiah speaks about what God will do for all mankind through the line of David.

This prophecy came true when Jesus was born, lived out His life, and then died for us - our relationship with God changed. Jeremiah speaks in 31:31-33 about a new covenant God will make with His people. Now, it is no longer Laws written on stone -the 10 Commandments, but obedience that comes from the heart through a personal relationship with God. With our sins forgiven through Jesus, our desire to obey becomes personal, as well as being able to hear from God and speak to Him in a personal way.

This Christmas, as we remember these stories written for us - may you see the parallels that you need to see so that you can become nearer to God. Jeremiah spoke to the people for over 40 years and no one listened to him. One reason the people never listened to Jeremiah, was because there were false prophets around, and they were telling people what they wanted to hear, not what they really needed to hear.

Jeremiah was like a good, true friend - and he never stopped warning the people. We are called to do the same.


Jeremiah was a prophet for the Kings of Judah. Can you King Josiah on the family line of Jesus?

How many more days until Jesus’s birthday?


Father in Heaven,

We praise you for your patience towards us, and your grace and mercy. Thank you for your Word to guide us and help us to know you better. Please give us wisdom and the ability to know when we are going in the wrong direction.